Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Randy Leonard

Today, Randy Leonard expressed even more outrage towards the University of Oregon's plan to rename the Made in Oregon sign. It would seem that Randy Leonard has taken care of all other important issues facing Portland during rough economic times and now he's onto pet projects to keep him busy. Alas, this is not the case. There are many neighborhoods without sidewalks, many people out of work, there is a severe homeless problem in our fair city, and we face skyrocketing fees across the board. This doesn't seem to garner Randy's attention, however.

Regardless of this fatuous behavior expressed by Leonard, when one takes a look at this matter at face value, it should not even be an issue.

The University of Oregon has essentially revitalized this area by refurbishing a worn out building, in an area devastated by the aforementioned rabid homeless problems. This has made a difference in this corner of the city.

Currently the sign reads: "Made in Oregon." This is a corporate sponsorship of a small chain of retail stores that sell Oregon related items. Contrary to what one may believe, the items for sale in these stores are, more often than not, Made in China.

This is not the first time the sign is to be changed. The sign was originally White Satin, then White Stag and now is finally Made in Oregon. There was no outrage when the name changed the previous two times. These names were corporate sponsorships of willing companies who would agree to maintain the beautiful sign.

Now University of Oregon would like the privilege of maintaining the sign and the building beneath it. This will ensure a beautiful landmark sign, perfectly maintained without city cost. This not only upsets Randy Leonard because he obviously resists change -- he is also worried about hurting the feelings of Portland State University. Yes PSU, the glorified community college of Oregon. In terms of other major universities on the west coast, it is the laughing stock, run by incompetence while touting its world class "sustainability" program. It is a commuter school at best, and can never be mentioned in the same sentence with the likes of Berkeley, Stanford, UCLA, USC, Washington, WSU, OSU and Oregon for that matter. This inferiority complex is shining through with Randy's latest outrage. He may just very well abuse his power and have the city gain control of the sign. The Made in Oregon sign, under city control, will be grossly over budget and vastly mediocre, just as other city sponsored endeavors.


  1. Well spoken words of truth.

  2. Perhaps Randy should consider spending the money on PSU instead of a sign? I certainly am not impressed with his spending priorities
